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Back Pain Treatment in Chennai

About 80% of Indian adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. There are many possible reasons for this, including unconventional posture, sedentary lifestyles, injuries, infections, tumors, acquired conditions or diseases, etc.


๐’๐€๐‘๐€๐•๐€๐๐€ ๐‡๐Ž๐’๐๐ˆ๐“๐€๐‹ is the best super-specialty orthopedic hospital in Chennai offering comprehensive back pain treatment in Chennai starting from simple lower back pain arising out a range of sprains and strains to acute and chronic back pain that could last for weeks or months. We specialize in treating back pain even after the initial injury or eradicating the underlying cause of back pain.

Back Pain

Back pain is the most common medical problem that can occur in any age group, and men and women equally suffer from this medical problem. Back pain can be acute or chronic and recurrent. A common cause of back pain is muscle or ligament damage. These strains and sprains can occur for a variety of reasons, including improper lifting, poor posture, and lack of regular exercise. Obesity also increases the risk of back pain. Contact the best back pain treatment in Chennai!


๐’๐€๐‘๐€๐•๐€๐๐€ ๐‡๐Ž๐’๐๐ˆ๐“๐€๐‹ is one of the best hospitals in India for treating spine surgery related conditions and Dr. R Saravanan is one of the best spine surgeons in Chennai, India. Check the doctor’s fees and outpatient schedules, and book doctor appointments online for outpatient for today, tomorrow, or future appointments.


Dr. R Saravanan

MD ๐’๐€๐‘๐€๐•๐€๐๐€ ๐‡๐Ž๐’๐๐ˆ๐“๐€๐‹, Chennai and International Senior Spine & Orthopaedic Consultant and Spine Surgeon

Qualification & Experience

  • Dr R. SARAVANAN CCT (UK), FRCS (Orth), FRCS (Ed), FRCS( Glas)
  • MBBS Senior Spine Sports Joint Replacement & Orthopaedic
  • Specialist in Spine & Joint Diseases
  • Specialist in Sports Injuries
  • Has the experience of performing more than 15k surgeries

Sam Spine 360-degree Regime is the First ever in the World is founded by Dr. R. Saravanan. He has over 20 Years of experience in the Spine and Joint related conditions.