Arthritis Keyhole Surgery
Arthritis is normally a disease associated with old age. But nowadays one in every seven people is requiring undergoing knee replacement surgery. This is what makes the experts worried today as a large number of younger people are suffering from this disease. With the development of medical technology, there is an emergence of advanced and less invasive keyhole surgeries instead of Total Knee Replacement surgeries (TKR).
It is a type of keyhole surgery used to diagnose and treat problems with bone and joints. It is commonly used in the case of the knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hips. Arthroscopy equipment is very small and very small cuts in the skin are performed. That shows it has some advantages over “open” surgery:
What is knee keyhole surgery?
Keyhole surgery or arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical technique that helps the surgeon to examine the interior of the knee and joint. It is performed via two very small puncture holes on both sides of the knee-cap tendon. One of the puncture holes is used for putting the surgical instruments into the knee. The other is for the arthroscope, a thin flexible tube with a light and camera at the top that will display a clearer live image of the knee and joint.